Welcome to Little Known Facts Show
Think you rank as a Genius? Let's see how smart you are. You
might have to be over 50 to get all of these, but it's fun trying.  
Good Luck!

What do all three have in common?

1.  Lenny - Tootsie - Ishtar

2.  Strawberry - Ash - Platinum

3.  Johnny Crawford - Bobby Burgess - Annette Funicello

4.  Leif Ericson  - Hernando De Soto - Henry Hudson

5.  Spencer Christian - Mark McEwen - Willard Scott

6.   7 - 10   -  Bed Posts - Sour Apple

7.   Brindle - White - Miniature    (hint- type of dog)

Guy Williams - June Lockhart - Angela Cartwright

9.   A war Hero - A Christmas tree - A new apartment

10.   Nicknames of these golfers - Greg Norman, Jack Nicklaus,  Craig Stadler

11.   Conqueror of Greece - Conqueror of Persia - Conqueror of Egypt

12.   Florida - A piano - a janitor

13.  Straw - Sticks - Bricks

14.  Oh!  - Alas!-  Wow!

15.  Clark Gable - Marilyn Monroe - Montgomery Clift

16.  Sister Elizabeth Kenny - Florence Nightingale - Margaret Sanger

17.  Guitar - Ice - Tooth

18.  Fire - Leaf cutter - Trap jaw

19.  Will Rogers - Glenn Miller - Roberto Clemente

20.  Sean Connery -  Roger Moore -  Timothy Dalton
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Don't give in until you give them all an honest try.    Answers here!